Great Description of Unconscious Bias by Mary Carroll
Unconscious Bias describes how the brain functions to make quick decisions, and why it sometimes is super helpful and other times not so much.
With years of experience in diversity, inclusion and global business, anti-harassment training and coaching and cross-cultural healthcare, Critical Measures possesses the latest in industry-specific knowledge of best practices in these areas. We also stay abreast of informative articles published about topics such as global medicine, cultural communication and conflict resolution. Visit this page for future updates on these legal topics that affect your organization, or contact us for more information.
Unconscious Bias describes how the brain functions to make quick decisions, and why it sometimes is super helpful and other times not so much.
Excellent Article. Talks about how corporate culture matters, and insights into the strengths and weaknesses of unconscious bias training.
African Americans are only 13% of the American population but represent almost half of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated since 1989.
Leadership makes all the difference in corporate culture. Putting corporate systems in place that effectively and professionally handle harassment and performance evaluation claims leads to healthy and productive work-environments. It’s a win/win/win for corporations, employees, and customers.
Study Finds only Modest Gains by Women and Minorities in Fortune 500 Boardrooms African American men increased their presence in Fortune 500 boardrooms by 2% in the last 6 years. Females increased their portion of seats by 18.4 percent. But the report also found that African Americans had the highest rate of serving on multiple […]