Anti-Harassment Training & Coaching

Through in-depth training programs and coaching, employers can take action to avoid sexual harassment and hostile work environment claims based on age, race, religion, national origin, disability and sexual orientation.
The Current Legal Situation
Employment law is rapidly becoming diversity law. In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in hostile work environment claims and the diversity of plaintiffs. More women of color, men, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered employees are filing claims.
In response to rising claims, the courts have dramatically increased employer liability for employer-based harassment, particularly when managers and supervisors are involved. They have also created a new affirmative defense against harassment claims, which is predicated, in part, on the effectiveness of corporate training initiatives. With this, there are two clear implications:
- In the eyes of the courts, employers must provide training that works.
- Employers can be held legally liable for the training event itself, including the conduct of corporate and external trainers.
The resulting burden on employers has expanded to encompass thorough evaluation and selection of training partners and programs to ensure effective training.
Our Training Programs
In order to train everyone on your staff equitably, our highly experienced and professional trainers come to you for on-site classroom training.
For details and training topics, visit Classroom Training.
One-on-One Coaching
Employers must take corrective action to address workplace investigations of harassment, discrimination, retaliation and bullying. Critical Measures specializes in helping organizations address these issues quickly and effectively through confidential, personalized boundary and harassment coaching. Our services help correct problematic behavior and avoid repeat offenses.
Our diversity and cultural competence consultants have worked with company executives, doctors, lawyers, teachers, salespeople and others to sensitively and effectively improve workplace behavior. Our approach is to truly take on the role of coach — someone who knows the rules of the game and will keep clients safe and in the game. In addition to private coaching sessions, our experts offer assistance with:
- Harassment and Discrimination Investigations
- Mediation Using Interracial and Cross-Cultural Mediation Teams
- Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution
For additional information about anti-harassment training and coaching for your organization, please contact us today.