Take the #123forEquity Pledge in 2016


Take the #123forEquity Pledge to Eliminate Health Care Disparities! The vision of the American Hospital Association (AHA) is a society of healthy communities, where all individuals reach their highest potential for health, and eliminating health care disparities is essential to achieving that vision. As a partner in the National Call to Action to Eliminate Health Care Disparities (Call to Action) along with the American College of Healthcare Executives, America’s Essential Hospitals, Association of American Medical Colleges, and the Catholic Health Association of the United States we are asking all hospitals and those in health care to:

  1. TAKE THE PLEDGE – Pledge to achieve the three areas of the Call to Action within the next 12 months.
  2. TAKE ACTION – Implement strategies that are reflected in your strategic plan and supported by your board and leadership. Provide quarterly updates on progress to AHA and your board in order to track progress nationally.
  3. TELL OTHERS – Achieve the goals and be recognized. Tell your story and share your learnings with others in conference calls and other educational venues including social media to accelerate progress collectively.